Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

This program supports projects focused on accelerating the development of effective new approaches to the early detection of cancer. These projects will advance our understanding of the origins and risk stratifications of recalcitrant cancers and accelerate the development of technological and methodological innovation in early cancer detection and interception.

Amount: $2,000,000

Due Date: 03/10/2025 (LOI); 06/17/2025 (Full Proposal)

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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

The goal of the PERSEPHONE program is to develop disruptive new technologies for bioenergy crop genetic engineering.

Amount: $250,000 – $4,000,000

Due Date: 03/04/2025

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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

This program supports data-grounded research studies that investigate the state, impact, and value of the humanities in the United States. Research designs may be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed, and should involve the active participation of people working in the humanities.

Amount: Up to $75,000 (Level 1); Up to $150,000 (Level 2)

Due Date: 02/14/2025 (Optional Draft); 04/16/2025 (Full Proposal)

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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

This program strengthens the teaching and study of the humanities at institutions of higher education by developing new or improving existing humanities programs, educational resources, or coursework.

Amount: Up to $150,000

Due Date: 03/25/2025 (Optional Draft); 05/06/2025 (Full Proposal)

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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

This program’s purpose is to leverage NICHD clinical research network infrastructure relevant to infants, children, women, pregnant and lactating individuals, and persons with disabilities to conduct innovative, multisite, investigator-initiated clinical trials and observational studies.



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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

This opportunity seeks to leverage cutting-edge advances in multimodal artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate HIV diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.

Amount: $5,662,500

DueDate02/27/2025 (LOI); 03/27/2025 (Full Proposal)

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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

The central goal of this NOFO is to establish robust proof of concept in mouse models or cell-based models of AD/ADRD that will enable rational drug repositioning and the development of precision combination therapies for the treatment and prevention of AD/ADRD.

Amount: $7,550,000

Due Date: 06/09/2025; 10/06/2025

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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

This program supports research to advance the development of safe and effective medications for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUD). The goal is to fund studies that will have high impact and quickly yield the necessary results to advance medications closer to FDA approval.

Amount: $22,650,000

Due Date: 03/10/2025 (LOI); 04/10/2025 (Full Proposal)

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Announcements Find Funding Large Grant Opportunities

This program supports work that enables scientists and scientific discovery by improving the security, robustness, and trustworthiness of cyberinfrastructure.

Amount: Varies by award type

Due Date: 04/02/2025

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Announcements Find Funding Internal Grants & Awards Funding

The Office of Research announces the FY 2026 cycle for the Faculty Seed Grants in the Sciences and Engineering.

The goal of the Faculty Seed Grants in the Sciences and Engineering is to enable faculty to launch new, promising lines of research for which resources are currently not available. These seed grants are intended to fund pilot research generating preliminary data that will be leveraged to compete for externally funded grant/contract opportunities and contribute to a sustainable program of research and scholarship. Basic and applied research in the social, life, physical sciences, and engineering are eligible for funding through this program. (Note: The Office of Research funds research grants in Humanities and Arts through a separate program managed by the Willson Center).

All faculty (tenure-track and non-tenure track) with research EFT (equivalent full-time) are eligible with the following exceptions: 1) Applicants may not have access to more than $25,000 in institutional or discretionary research funding (e.g., start-up, salary returns, or IDC returns) during the award year (i.e., FY26); 2) Tenured applicants may not have received more than $50,000 in institutional research support in the past three years (FY23 or later). Examples of institutional research support include bridge funding, a Presidential Seed Grant or other internal seed grant; and 3) An applicant may not have received a Faculty Seed Grant from this program within the last three years (an FY23 grant or later).

See the guidelines on the Office of Research Internal Grants webpage. Answers to frequently asked questions, award conditions, and other information are on the Faculty Seed Grants FAQs page.

The deadline for proposal submission is 11:59 pm on Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Grants for successful applications will be awarded with a start date of July 1, 2025 (FY26).