Research Insights
Research Live
Research Live is the Office of Research’s monthly webinar series, focused on topics of practical interest to the UGA research community. These virtual events provide an opportunity for faculty, students and staff to interact directly from OoR professionals. All events are free and open to anyone in the UGA community.
Below is a schedule of upcoming Research Live presentations. To participate, simply click on the registration link, and you’ll be asked to provide a UGA email address before being sent the Zoom meeting information.
Fall 2024 Research Live schedule
Research Live is the Office of Research’s monthly webinar series, focused on topics of practical interest to the UGA research community. These virtual events provide an opportunity for faculty, students and staff to interact directly from OoR professionals. All events are free and open to anyone in the UGA community.
“Introducing the UGA NAGPRA Initiative”
Monday, Sept. 16, 2:30-3:30pm
- Amanda Roberts Thompson, Chair of UGA NAGPRA Committee & Operations Director, Laboratory of Archaeology
- Randolph Carter, Chief of Staff & Special Assistant to the Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services
- RaeLynn Butler, Secretary of Culture & Humanities, Muscogee (Creek) Nation
- Mary Hill, NAGPRA Coordinator, Office of Research Integrity & Safety
- Channette Romero, Assistant Professor of English & Native American Studies, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences
- Victor Thompson, Distinguished Research Professor and Director, Laboratory of Archaeology
To guide its efforts in complying with the federal Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), UGA has created a new NAGPRA Committee that will conduct a campuswide census this year to locate and identify NAGPRA-related holdings. In this webinar, NAGPRA Committee members will explain the scope of the law, its relation to university material holdings and research activities, and the collaborative work underway with UGA’s tribal partners to ensure any NAGPRA-related materials are repatriated.
Zoom registration is required.
“Sponsored Projects Reporting: Better Tools, Better Outcomes”
Thursday, Oct. 31, 2:30-3:30pm
- Jill Tincher, Executive Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
- Cathy Cuppett, Director of Pre-Award, Sponsored Projects Administration
- Brad Langford, Director of Post-Award, Sponsored Projects Administration
With input from UGA faculty, the Sponsored Projects Administration continues to create tools to help investigators track and plan spending on their sponsored awards. This session will highlight available sponsored projects reporting tools, along with a sneak preview of what’s upcoming. How much do you have available to spend on your project? What are your proposal, award, and expenditure trends? How is your department trending in proposals, awards, and expenditures? What is the current state of research expenditures? How do you certify payroll? This webinar will cover these topics and more.
Zoom registration is required.
“NIH: It’s All Out There if You Care to Look”
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 3:30-4:30pm
- Susan Sanchez, Professor of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine
Susan Sanchez sits on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Council of Councils. The council advises the NIH director and the director of the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) on policies and activities. It also makes recommendations regarding research in emerging scientific opportunities, public health challenges, or knowledge gaps that require special emphasis and would benefit from collaboration between two or more national research institutes or centers. In this session, Sanchez will share insights for developing relationships with NIH program managers and crafting successful funding proposals. She will also discuss priorities and strategies related to biomedical research as articulated in NIH’s strategic plan.
Zoom registration is required.
“Humanities & Arts as Competitive Difference”
Tuesday, Dec. 3, 11:30am-12:30pm
- Nicholas Allen, Baldwin Professor in Humanities & Director, Willson Center for Humanities & Arts
- Mark Callahan, Artistic Director, UGA Arts Collaborative; Associate Academic Director, Willson Center
- Elizabeth Wright, Distinguished Research Professor of Spanish Literature & Associate Academic Director, Willson Center
The arts and humanities at UGA are engaged across campus in creating competitive difference. Our community engages with federal agencies, private foundations, and philanthropy to support diverse inquiries into all forms of creative thinking and practice, from the arts partnering with mathematics to the humanities with marine science. This conversation will share recent opportunities and innovations, and give a sense of our collective future plans.
Archived sessions by topic
Video archives will be available a few days after each session.