
Effective January 2025, there will be important changes to the Visiting Researcher/Scholar and Remote Research Affiliate processes. Below is a summary of these updates.

Key Changes

1. Terminology Update


    • Remote Research Affiliates will now be referred to as Remote Visiting Researchers/Scholars (Remote VRS).
    • Information for both VRS and Remote VRS will be consolidated on the VRS webpage to provide clear and comprehensive details in one place.


2. Unified Registration Form


    • Registration requests for both VRS and Remote VRS will be submitted via a single request form on UGA’s InfoReady Portal.
        • Requesters will specify whether the request is for a VRS or a Remote VRS.
        • Faculty Sponsor “Action Required” email approvals of request submissions will no longer be required.
        • InfoReady features include:
            • Ability to save draft applications and return later to complete them.
            • Capability to initiate multiple requests.
            • Status tracking of submissions under the requesters “Applications” tab when logged in to InfoReady.

    • Extension requests for both VRS and Remote VRS will also use a single form on InfoReady.
    • The request forms for new registrations and extensions will be accessible via the links on the website once posted.


3. Updated Agreements


    • New Agreements for VRS and Remote VRS:
        • The existing VRS Agreements have been updated for electronic signing capability and will now require the signature of the UGA Faculty Sponsor on page 2.
        • The existing Remote Research Affiliate Agreements will be renamed to Remote Visiting Researcher/Scholar Agreement, will have electronic signature capability and also require the UGA Faculty Sponsor to sign on page 2.
        • There is a grace period through January 20, 2025, for new VRS requests in which Faculty Sponsors have already initiated the signing process with his/her VRS using the previous version of the VRS Agreement that did not require the UGA Faculty Sponsor signature.

    • Given that updates to VRS/Remote VRS Agreements may occur, please return to the website to download the appropriate document each time you need an agreement.


4. VRS Webpages


    • The VRS and Remote VRS information will be consolidated on the existing VRS webpages for ease of access.
    • While these updates have not yet been implemented on the website, they will be available soon. Please visit the website for:
        • Definitions of VRS and Remote VRS statuses.
        • Information on time limits, registration procedures, and extension request requirements.


5. New Operations Associate


    • Starting January 2025, Nathan White will join the Office of Research’s IGARP division as the Operations Associate responsible for VRS and Remote VRS registration procedures.
    • We extend our gratitude to Moriah for her contributions over the past two years and welcome Nathan to the team.


We appreciate your patience as we transition to these new processes and bring new staff on board. For questions or additional information, please email


The Office of the Vice President for Research recently implemented a new hosting procedure for visiting researchers and scholars. Refined guidelines, procedures and questionnaire are now posted on the OVPR website to make the hosting and onboarding process easier for the visitor, Faculty Sponsor, the hosting unit and OVPR.

Changes include:

  • A more refined definition of the Visiting Researcher/Scholar status so a Faculty Sponsor and unit can more easily determine which visitors should go through the hosting process.
  • A revised VRS questionnaire that will aid in a quicker review.
  • A revised and streamlined hosting procedure initiated by the Faculty Sponsor.

Please always check the VRS webpage for the most up-to-date information.



UGA welcomes the opportunity to host Visiting Researchers and Scholars (VRS), at all levels from undergraduate to faculty/professional, and works to assure that they have a productive visit.

In the interest of providing access to resources for the VRS, while also protecting the VRS and UGA, the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of International Education will implement new VRS hosting procedures effective May 1, 2014.  The new procedures will start with the faculty sponsor and/or sponsoring unit completing a VRS questionnaire and will include obtaining a Visitor Agreement signed by the VRS as well as an onboarding process.  The full procedure can be found on the OVPR VRS webpage:

Questions about hosting a VRS can be directed to



In order to access appropriate facilities and services, a Visiting Researcher / Scholar must be authenticated with a UGAID.   In March this year, the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of International Education, together with EITS, implemented a process for obtaining a UGAID for visiting researchers and scholars.   This process required each unit’s HR representative to apply for access to the Visiting Scholar IDM system and then to apply for a UGAID for each visiting researcher through this system.

To minimize the number of people having to access the Visiting Scholar IDM system, OVPR has streamlined this process by centralizing the ID request portion of the Visiting Researcher workflow.  This change is effective immediately.

Individual unit HR representatives will now provide information about the visitor to the OVPR Coordinator, who will obtain and return the UGAID. The instructions to request a UGAID for a visiting researcher/scholar have been updated and can be found on the OVPR website: (select the “Planning: UGA IDS, MyIDs and Personal Services Support tab).

Questions regarding a UGAID request can be directed to the OVPR Coordinator, Jessica Hawks (


OVPR and Office of International Education have partnered with EITS to create procedures that help assure these mid- to long-term visitors have access to services and facilities, from libraries to research services, transportation and housing.  Key to accessing services is an UGA ID.  A new OVPR web page provides a step-by-step guide to assuring visiting researchers are provided with a UGA ID, from before 3 months before arrival, to on and just after arrival, with clear assignment of roles for the sponsoring department, the visitor, and the unit HR representative.

Resources – from airport information to transportation information to housing and child care – also are available to help assure productive visits to UGA.