
The Office of Research Services is pleased to announce the creation of the UGA Oligo-Core, a web portal for UGA faculty, staff, and students to order oligos  — short strands of DNA called oligonucleotides — for delivery to UGA.  The portal was developed in cooperation with Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), manufacturer of oligo products.

The major benefit of this UGA portal is to provide a single, consolidated order to be shipped daily from IDT to UGA.  This consolidated order will eliminate shipping costs on small-volume oligo orders (with a few exceptions on special items).   Alex Wunderlich, in the Coverdell Stockroom, will track each UGA order to assure it is delivered to the correct drop-off location on campus.

  • If you have specific IDT questions on Oligos, other IDT products, or website issues, contact Chad Locklear the IDT sales representative for UGA.
  • If you have pricing questions, need a copy of an invoice, or questions about the status of your order, contact Alex Wunderlich or 542-9878

Link to the UGA Oligo Core webpage: