Nematodes are among the top yield-robbers encountered by soybean farmers across the U.S. Almost all SCN resistant varieties in U.S. soybean production are derived from two genetic sources, imposing risk of genetic vulnerability and resistance breakdown. Soybean breeders and growers are limited in genetic sources for nematode resistance with competitive yield, which places U.S. soybean production at risk. Discovery of novel nematode resistance from genetically diverse sources is essential for sustainable soybean production. Deployment of resistant varieties will improve U.S. soybean production and protect yields and farmers’ income.
Our team has successfully developed a strong pipeline of soybean germplasm with resistance to SCN or RKN and competitive yield across all maturity groups. Based on previous discoveries, many genetic populations have been developed to confirm and deploy these genes for nematode resistance. In this new proposal, this team will use an integrated conventional and advanced genomic technologies to achieve the following objectives: 1) incorporate nematode resistance genes into elite high-yielding lines to develop SCN and/or RKN resistant soybean varieties in MG 0 through VIII; 2) identify novel sources of multiple nematode resistance from existing resistant sources or soybean germplasm from USDA Soybean Germplasm Collections; 3) map nematode resistance gene(s) to develop DNA markers for efficient breeding selection; and 4) incorporate SCN and/or RKN resistance into high-yielding lines with value-added seed composition or other key abiotic and biotic tolerance traits.
This work will benefit the entire value chain by providing new soybean varieties adapted to local growing conditions with resistance to multiple nematode species. This project will also provide new and improved materials to commercial and public breeders for use as parental stocks to develop high-yielding, nematode resistant varieties. DNA markers and QTL information generated will benefit soybean researchers, enabling marker-assisted selection and seeking understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying nematode resistance.
Funder: U.S. Department of Energy
Amount: $333,489
PI: Zenglu Li, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences