The overarching goal of the proposed research is to fill key science gaps in the understanding of smoke production and its physicochemical properties, as well as the evolution of these properties during atmospheric aging, to better understand the effects of smoke on health and visibility. Filling the major gaps in understanding smoke production in prescribed fires is essential for optimizing the use of prescribed fires in a manner that maximizes ecosystem health, prevents wildfires, and minimizes smoke impacts. This applies to DoD lands, where improving the health and safety of installation personnel and surrounding communities is a priority. This research aims to link smoke emission rates, physiochemical properties, and evolution during atmospheric processing to burn conditions. Objectives include: (1) performing combustion experiments using representative surface fuels and forest floors collected from DoD lands; (2) implementing an experimental matrix that dissects the effects of fuel moisture content, relative humidity, and the existence of duff on smoke production; (3) quantifying emission factors of key smoke components; (4) characterizing the smoke chemical composition, optical properties, and water uptake potential; (5) simulating atmospheric processing of the smoke; (6) deriving parameterizations that link smoke production and physicochemical properties to fire behavior; and (7) using the experimental results to refine and extend smoke production calculations in QUIC-Fire. This research will produce knowledge that links fuel bed composition, fuel moisture content, and relative humidity to fire behavior and the production rates of key smoke components. Incorporating these experimental results in QUIC-Fire will provide land managers with an improved tool to investigate the tradeoffs between different ignition strategies in achieving desired fire behavior and minimizing smoke impacts. Furthermore, the knowledge that will be produced by this research on linking smoke chemical composition, microphysical properties, and atmospheric processing to burn conditions will be of benefit to the atmospheric chemistry community. The speciated smoke emission factors will improve wildland-fire emission inventories used in air quality models.
Funder: U.S. Department of Defense
Amount: $2,539,175
PI: Rawad Saleh, College of Engineering