
Research Insights

UGA joins ResearchMatch

UGA is now a member institution of ResearchMatch, an online tool to help researchers conducting health-related human research studies with participant recruitment. 

The University of Georgia is now a member institution of ResearchMatch, an online tool to help researchers conducting health-related human research studies with participant recruitment.  Developed by institutions affiliated with the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Consortium and maintained at the Vanderbilt University, ResearchMatch is a national registry where researchers and potential study volunteers across the country are matched.  

UGA researchers conducting clinical, biomedical, translational and socio-behavioral research studies with health-related outcomes or focus are eligible to use ResearchMatch at no cost. To use ResearchMatch as a recruitment method for a new or previously approved IRB study, a researcher must complete and submit the ResearchMatch Researcher Request Form for approval by the IRB.  The Researcher Request Form, as well as the accompanying ResearchMatch Researcher Guide, may be accessed from the IRB Portal Library, under the “General” tab. 

To register as a new user and learn more about ResearchMatch and the recruitment opportunities it may offer you, as well as the research opportunities it offers to volunteers, go to  

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact UGA’s ResearchMatch liaison, Dr. Benilda P. Pooser, at