
Research Insights

Invoice Review Process Simplified

The review process on invoices from sub recipients who do not receive an external audit (those classified as high risk) has been simplified.

Recognizing that Principal Investigators/Departmental Administrator(s) have first-hand knowledge of the scope of work being performed under a sub award agreement, the review process on invoices from sub recipients who do not receive an external audit (those classified as high risk) has been simplified.

It is no longer necessary to obtain copies of receipts or other documentation to support the invoice.  Invoices from these sub recipients must include a signed certification as to the appropriateness of the charges such as:  “I certify that all expenditures reported (or payments requested) are for appropriate purposes and in accordance with the agreements set forth in the award documents.”  Additional information from the sub recipient is only necessary if the Principal Investigator or Departmental Administrator feels a charge on the invoice is not appropriate for the project.

Please contact Gail Chester in Contracts and Grants at 706-542-9230  with any questions related to this change.  See more information on other current and completed business process improvement initiatives.