Research Insights
Find NIH Funding Opportunities the Easy Way
Looking for NIH Funding? Here are some easy ways to find funding opportunities.
Looking for NIH Funding? All NIH funding opportunities are published in the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts (as well as on But there are even easier ways to get that information:
- Create customized email alerts: In addition to searching the NIH Guide, you can save your search and receive an email notification when a new NIH Guide posting matches your search criteria. After performing your search, from the Results page click “Save Your Search” to sign up for alerts based on that search criteria. The system can email you with new funding opportunity announcements and/or notices related to your search on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Watch this YouTube video for a demo.
- Join the NIH Guide Weekly Table of Contents email listserv: Sign up for the listserv, and every Friday you will receive the week’s NIH Guide notices and funding opportunities in a table of contents style digest.