Research Insights
Annual State of Technology Presentation, Nov. 12
UGA researchers are invited to attend the annual State of Technology at UGA presentation on Thursday, November 12, at 10 a.m., at the Tate Student Center Reception Hall.
UGA researchers are invited to attend the annual State of Technology at UGA presentation on Thursday, November 12, at 10 a.m., at the Tate Student Center Reception Hall. All students, faculty, staff and campus technical personnel are welcome to attend this presentation and ask questions about technology services at the University.
Dr. Timothy M. Chester, Vice President for Information Technology, will give the presentation during this open forum to the University community.
Topics in the presentation will include technology trends and initiatives at the University, and TechQual+ survey results of UGA students, faculty and staff.
Reservations are not required to attend.
Information: Contact Kerri Testement at