Notable Grants

Research Insights

Saving and Rehabilitating the Coastal Zone Collections of Georgia, Victor Thompson

The University of Georgia Laboratory of Archaeology will use funds to rehouse and digitize its paleoenvironmental archives from Georgia’s coastal zone. The collections include artifacts and documentary archives about Native American history, represented by excavations on Georgia’s barrier islands and adjacent mainland areas and pertaining to Native American sites from 4500 years ago to the 17th century. For the project, staff will work with two graduate students, five undergraduate students, and a database consultant to inventory, rehouse, and digitize collections. Additionally, staff will consult with members of descendent communities related to the material histories of the artifacts, such as members of the Geechee (Sapelo Island and Pinpoint Community) and the people of the Muscogee Nation.

  • Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
  • Amount: $385K
  • PI: Victor Thompson (Franklin College)