Research Insights
Advancing the understanding, detection, and host resistance selection of fungi associated with loblolly pine needle disease
We aim to advance our understanding, detection, and host resistance selection of the pathogens associated with loblolly pine needlecast and needle blight emerging outbreaks in the southern United States. Our approach is to tackle different aspects of the complex problem by leveraging the currently ongoing research efforts in the Villari lab. Our objectives are: 1) adapt and deploy a universal pathogen identification tool to identify fungal pathogens among emerging loblolly pine needle diseases; 2) identify the pathogens other than L. acicola associated with loblolly pine needle cast and test their pathogenicity; 3) expand and harmonize our ongoing long-term monitoring study; 4) elucidate L. acicola virulence factors and loblolly pine resistance mechanisms; and 5) establish a regionwide network of loblolly pine needlecast researchers. The proposed agreement addresses these areas in the interest of enhancing diagnostic resources, understanding of the biology and impact of loblolly pine needle diseases, facilitating the selection of resistant families, and fostering a regionwide collaboration focused on alleviating the impact of emerging needle diseases on the loblolly pine forest health and productivity.
Funder: USDA Forest Service
Amount: $378,192
PI: Caterina Villari, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Plant Biology