
Research Insights

AHRC gets new Tribrid Mass Spectrometer

A state-of-the-art Tribrid Mass Spectrometer has been moved into containment at the AHRC.

With the help of UGA’s Office of Research and ThermoFisher, a long-standing industrial partner of investigators at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, a state-of-the-art Tribrid Mass Spectrometer has been moved from the CCRC into containment at the Animal Health Research Center. This instrument will allow existing, budding and new collaborations between AHRC and CCRC researchers to study some of the most dangerous infectious agents using cutting-edge mass spectrometry approaches. Having such a high-end instrument in BSL3+ containment in an academic setting is truly unique and will facilitate advancements in understanding the roles of glycoproteins in a multitude of infectious diseases, including COVID-19.

This endeavor is further augmented by a pending, submitted National Institutes of Health instrument grant, with support from ThermoFisher, the CCRC, and the Office of Research at UGA, to replace the instrument removed from the CCRC with the next generation of Tribrid Mass Spectrometers, the Eclipse. This instrument will support 28 investigators currently funded by at least 43 NIH grants primarily focused on the interface between glycobiology and infectious disease.