Announcements Compliance, Integrity & Safety

Any time a principal investigator vacates a lab, moves into a lab, or relocates to a different lab, an opening or closing form should be filed with the Office of Research Safety (ORS).

Information from the forms helps ORS properly track chemical inventories, perform accurate lab inspections, and monitor hazardous waste generation. It  helps ensure the accuracy of UGA’s chemical inventory system and helps maintain the safety of UGA faculty, students, and local first responders. The form for opening or closing/re-locating a lab can be submitted online.

More information, along with the opening & closing/re-locating forms can be found here:

Questions: Contact Brandon Foskey,  Office of Research Safety,  706-542-9088



Qualtrics, a free web-based survey tool available to UGA researchers, students, faculty and staff, will soon launch a new interface to help users manage survey data and projects.

The new platform, called Insight, will feature a new layout and design, as well as many features to better integrate surveys and research, as well as tools to display your data and create reports.

Some new features include:

  • A new projects landing page
  • A revised Distribute Survey page.
  • The option to select your method of delivery
  • The ability to create interactive visualizations to display your data
  • The ability to create interactive online reports
  • SMS texting and trackable links
  • The option to draw your signature with your mouse

Currently, users can toggle between the new Insight interface and the old interface. Qualtrics has not set a date for when they will permanently switch to the new interface.

Qualtrics makes it possible for university users to create UGA-branded surveys, invite participants and review results. Users can choose from a library with more than 80 different question types, remind participants to take a survey and view reports in a variety of formats. The tool is frequently used for anonymous or personal surveys, advanced research with analytics, online course evaluations, student engagement and more.

Qualtrics is free for all UGA students, faculty and staff, but users must contact the EITS Help Desk to request an account. Faculty and staff who want to establish a Qualtrics account must contact their local departmental IT staff. If your department doesn’t have its own IT department, you may contact the EITS Help Desk to establish a Qualtrics account.

Find out more about Qualtrics, as well as links to support documentation.



The Office for Proposal Enhancement, part of OVPR, is available to assist with writing and submitting NSF CAREER proposals.

NSF CAREER proposals are due at the end of July (July 20-27).  Researchers interested in submitting should begin working with OPE as soon as possible. Assistance is available to craft your proposal through editing support, proof reading, and check lists. OPE also can assist with Fast Lane and the Portal.

Assistance with resubmissions also is available.

If you are interested in assistance, please contact Jake Maas at

Announcements Compliance, Integrity & Safety

When you hear “export control regulations,” your mind might conjure up images of professors behind bars for disclosing national secrets. Or, it could be an image of bewildering forms covered with government legal jargon. Neither is an attractive option.

But neither need be the case, said Dan Runge, UGA’s export compliance officer, who in 2014 joined the Office of Research Compliance in the Office of the Vice President for Research, to assure that UGA and its researchers can continue growing its international engagement while reducing the risk of violating national security concerns.

Chris King, associate vice president for research compliance, acknowledges that the regulation of export controls is an exceedingly complex area, in large part because it is governed by three different federal agencies with overlapping—and sometime contradictory—rules and guidance.

“A few years ago, we realized that UGA’s burgeoning international engagement in research, teaching and outreach along with an expanding scope of research in engineering, biological, agricultural, veterinary and marine sciences was creating export control risks,” King said.

A 2013 study commissioned by Vice President for Research David Lee confirmed those risks and paved the way for a set of recommendations to mitigate the institution’s risk while minimizing the burden to researchers and others.

The key recommendation of the study was to dedicate a staff resource—an export compliance professional—to develop “user-friendly” control procedures and implement these in a way that supports compliance while not impeding research and business activities.

Before coming to UGA, Runge worked in law school admissions at Texas Tech University School of Law and as a prosecutor in Kansas state court. His bachelor’s degree in history; a law degree from the University of Kansas; and a Master of Laws in International Law, with an emphasis in international trade and business, from the University of San Diego, prepared him to deal with the intricacies of export control law in UGA’s academic and research environment.

“Dan has the perfect balance of technical knowledge, abilities in project management and interpersonal skills to be successful in building UGA’s export compliance program,” King said.

Runge has been instrumental in building awareness of export controls and, in addition to creating right-sized policies and procedures, he has created a campuswide network of knowledgeable individuals who serve as “eyes and ears” in proactively and cohesively managing UGA’s export control obligations.

He recently explained his job in an interview in UGA’s Columns:

Columns: In a nutshell, what is export compliance?
Runge: Export compliance assures that research limited to participation by U.S. persons only, access to equipment limited to U.S. persons only and exports of equipment or information comply with federal law.

Columns: What does export compliance mean for UGA researchers?
Runge: Export compliance is not a bar to research or international activities. The researcher and his or her lab will simply need to follow guidelines from the Export Control Office related to access to restricted research or equipment, or travel to sanctioned or embargoed countries. The Export Control Office facilitates university activities in a way that limits risks and burdens on the UGA community.

Columns: When should a researcher worry? What about travel?
Runge: Export control has an impact on UGA research when sponsored research includes limitations on foreign national participation or publication for national security or proprietary reasons. Research without these restrictions is considered “fundamental research” and is excluded from control. However, “fundamental research” may still be subject to control if it involves the export, even temporarily, of controlled equipment, or access to or use of controlled equipment by foreign nationals. Controlled items will have dual commercial and military use or be a defense article or service with distinct defense applications.

Export controls have an impact on international travel when university equipment or research information is taken abroad, if the equipment or research is export controlled. Additionally, economic sanctions may limit travel to and activities in certain destinations, such as Cuba, Iran and Sudan, or transactions with certain sanctioned parties.

Columns: It sounds like most of the research conducted at UGA is excluded from these controls.
Runge: That’s right. The fundamental research exclusion is available except when foreign national participation and/or certain publication limitations are applicable. While these restrictions are generally the exception, the Export Control Office will be available to facilitate compliance. Research equipment, in limited circumstances, may still be subject to controls even when engaging in fundamental research.

Columns: Are UGA researchers the only ones who need to be concerned?
Runge: At the outset of building the export control compliance program, the focus was on research efforts. It rapidly became apparent that this was a universitywide issue that created potential risks and responsibilities in many academic departments as well as units as diverse as EITS, Biosafety, Sponsored Projects, Office of Legal Affairs, Technology Commercialization, Procurement, Accounts Payable, International Education and HR, among others. The Export Control Office has worked with these units to raise awareness and implement process as needed.

Columns: Is export compliance a “when in doubt, call us” kind of thing?
Runge: Yes. There are no dumb questions when it comes to export controls or sanctions compliance.

The Export Control Office is receptive to questions and willing to discuss concerns. To find out more, contact the Export Compliance Office at 706-542-4188, email me at or visit

Announcements Compliance, Integrity & Safety

New UGA policies and safety training courses aimed at promoting a culture of health and safety at UGA were announced in April.

The policies address UGA’s commitment to provide a safe workplace for all UGA students, faculty, staff, administrators and visitors, and provide the administrative processes and policies to support a culture of safety by defining roles and responsibilities and ensuring accountability. The policies apply to all stakeholders at UGA.

“Safety belongs to everyone, not just a few,” said Chris King, Associate Vice President for Research Compliance, Office of the Vice President for Research.

“Education is a key component of assuring a safe secure environment in which to conduct research,” he continued. “The new policies assure that all lab personnel have the consistent training that makes for a safe workplace.”

Links to the first required safety course were sent to faculty on March 21 and staff links were sent on April 18.

King noted that while many faculty have years of experience in safe lab practices, the training will provide a consistent baseline and assure that training for all is documented.  Faculty participation in the training also will assure that those who supervise students will be familiar with the content of the training required for personnel in laboratory spaces.  Individuals not involved in laboratory work can opt out of the training via a preliminary one-question qualifier quiz.

Questions about EHS training can be directed to Lisa Kelly,

Policy 6.01, “Environmental Health and Safety,” and Policy 6.02, “Policy and Procedures for Adoption and Ongoing Review of the University of Georgia’s Comprehensive Environmental Health and Safety Management System and Roles and Responsibilities.”

Policies can be found in the Academic Affairs Policy Manual, and on other websites, including Office of the Vice President for Research, Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration, and the Environmental Health and Safety Division.



Georgia Genomics Facility (GGF) and ThermoFisher Scientific invite the UGA research community to a workshop on Sanger Sequencing, Fragment Analysis and capillary electropheresis on April 21, 10:30 to 1 p.m., in Coverdell 175. Lunch is included.


10:30-11:30 am – Sanger Sequencing Workshop

11:30-noon – Break refreshments and lunch provided

12- 1 p.m.  – Fragment Analysis Workshop

The workshop is presented by Nicollette Dutken, Ph.D., ThermoFisher Scientific. She has supported capillary electrophoresis and next generation sequencing as a field application scientist for two years. She will be available after her presentation for questions and discussion.






Faculty looking for guidance on successfully submitting NIH R01 proposals are invited to a panel discussion on Friday, April 29, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. in Coverdell Auditorium, Room 175.

Attendees will hear from UGA faculty Puliyir Mohankumar, Veterinary Biosciences & Diagnostic Imaging; Christopher Whalen, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; and Franklin West, Animal & Dairy Sciences, about their successes with R01 funding. Coffee and refreshments will be served.

The event is part of the quarterly Coffee with the Pros series sponsored by the Office for Strategic Research Development, OVPR, which features invited speakers from federal and private funding agencies, former agency program officers, and UGA faculty who have valuable knowledge to share.


NIH announced last fall that it would roll out a forms update (FORMS-D) for applications due on or after May 25, 2016.

The general instructions for the newest version of NIH application forms are now available in an interactive HTML version for ease of on-line use, in addition to a pdf version. An annotated forms set is also available, to walk you through the changes.


The due date you are submitting to determines your form package. For continuous submission, use the due date you would have been held to if not eligible for continuous submission.

  • February/March 2016 due dates – use FORMS-C; your applications will be assigned to October council if you submit on or before April 16
  • May 7, 2016 AIDS due date – use FORMS-C and complete your submission by May 23 to be assigned to October council (note this is an earlier cut-off than is standard)
  • June/July 2016 due dates – use FORMS-D; you will be able to begin submitting FORMS-D applications as early as April 17 for January council
Major Changes

Most of the forms haven’t changed substantially. However, there has been a significant reorganization of fields on the following forms that you’ll want to become familiar with:

  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form
  • PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan
  • PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form
The FORMS-D revision is one of many made by NIH to assist researchers with their applications. A re-vamped NIH website also includes:
  • Instructions for all types of grant programs consolidated into the general instructions, and reorganized information to make very clear how each instruction applies to each of the various grant programs (research, training, career development, etc.). These general instructions are a great option for those who submit applications for various types of grant programs.
  • Filtered PDF versions of the form instructions that show only the instructions you need for the type of grant program to which you are applying, instructions specific to research, career development, training, fellowships, multi-project, or small business (SBIR/STTR) applications.

    If you have questions on these resources or the transition to FORMS-D, please contact your Sponsored Projects Team.

Announcements Technology Commercialization

Crystal Leach joined UGA as the founding director of Discovery and Innovation Partnerships, a new initiative jointly supported by the Office of the Vice President for Research and the College of Engineering. Her role is to facilitate partnerships between industry and research at the University of Georgia.

The Ohio native earned her master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Akron and her doctorate in textiles and polymer science at Clemson University. For the majority of her career, she worked at Kimberly-Clark, a Fortune 500 global health and hygiene company, in positions ranging from materials research to leading a global innovation and product development team.

“Because industry often moves faster than academia, we need to be efficient and responsive when negotiating terms,” said Vice President for Research Davie Lee. “We need to be as flexible as possible with our intellectual property policies and terms. And we need a point person who gets up every morning thinking about how to connect industry with relevant UGA researchers.”

“We are excited to now have Crystal Leach in this role. Her extensive background in industry research means that she’ll have instant credibility with her peers in industry as well as with our faculty.”

In this interview, Leach answers a few questions about why industry collaborations are a priority for the university, how faculty start collaborations with industry, and what kinds of assistance she offers.

Connect with Crystal.




The University of Georgia is now a participant in eduroam, a free wireless network for the higher education and research community.

Researchers traveling to fellow participating eduroam institutions may get wireless access while on campus at those institutions. eduroam is available at more than 400 higher education institutions in the U.S., and at educational institutions and research facilities in 74 countries.

To access eduroam, UGA faculty, students and staff must provide their full UGA credentials with their MyID followed by “” (example:

More information.