Our Process
In early 2024, UGA enacted an institution-wide NAGPRA Policy to govern compliance efforts and facilitate the good-faith discovery of all NAGPRA-eligible holdings under its legal control. Oversight of these efforts is managed by a diverse NAGPRA Committee, in close collaboration with the Office of Research Integrity & Safety and the Laboratory of Archaeology.
Since 2019, the Laboratory has pursued renewed NAGPRA initiatives following a leadership transition that identified unresolved NAGPRA-eligible holdings in its care. In addition to adhering to the UGA NAGPRA Policy, the Laboratory upholds internal policies and standards designed to foster a culture of care for the Ancestors, cultural items, and descendant communities represented in its collections.
Each of these foundational resources were developed in consultation with our Tribal Partners to ensure that their needs and interests are prioritized throughout each stage of the NAGPRA process.
UGA students visit the Okmulgee Mound Building— the Tribal government office of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation —in June 2024 while participating in the collaborative Enfulletv-Mocvse (Muskogean for “new ways”) in Archaeology Field School.