2021 Projects

Teaming for Interdisciplinary Research Pre-Seed Program

Cyber-Physical-Social Convergence Team

Cyber-Physical-Social Convergence Team

woman working with robot arm

This team addresses human-technology integration, collaboration, and implementation with specific emphasis on social science considerations through Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) in Design and Manufacturing environments.  CPSS is a novel, yet necessary paradigm that integrates the cyber, physical, and social space to realize the potential of various smart technologies. CPSS is considered a major stage of development for ubiquitous computing that can benefit design and manufacturing, particularly where human involvement is significant. As the digital transformation across various engineering industries has changed how engineering is practiced, design and manufacturing have likewise changed. Given the reliance of the human in design and manufacturing activities, CPSS approaches incorporate human considerations to maximize the likelihood of implementation and success.

To fully realize CPSS within design and manufacturing, a convergence of technology (innovative sensors, communication, cloud computing, data analytics, modeling, and machine learning) and social constituents (practitioners, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, government, and educators) are necessary.  The fundamental research goal of the research team is to provide the research community advancements in design and manufacturing practices by leveraging advent technology while also considering the human’s role in integration and utilization.  The applied research goal of the research team is to provide industry members opportunities to advance their current design and manufacturing practices through fundamental and applied research – ultimately assisting industry address and realize advent technology implementation.  To accomplish the aforementioned goals, the research team will address three CPSS thrusts related to its use in design and manufacturing, leadership adoption, and workforce readiness.

  • Fundamental and Applied Research in the areas of Design and Manufacturing technologies, implementation and utilization,
  • Fundamental and Applied Research on impact of CPSS Design and Manufacturing integration on organizational teamwork, behavior, and leadership adoption,
  • Advancing current workforce through targeted development and future (education) through curriculum enhancements.

The Teaming for Interdisciplinary Research Pre-Seed Program allows this team to begin preliminary activities that will position the team to pursue competitive funding and grant opportunities with federal agencies, state agencies, and industry members.

Team Lead

Beshoy Morkos
College of Engineering

Team Members

Jaime Camelio
College of Engineering

Crystal Leach
College of Engineering

Ramana Pidaparti
College of Engineering

Dorothy Carter
Department of Psychology

Larry Hornack
Office of Research

Virginia Bacon Talati
College of Engineering

Ramviyas Parasuraman
Department of Computer Science