Office of Strategic Research Development
Proposal Peer Review
We offer an annual NSF CAREER Peer Review Program. Participants will be expected to adhere to the timeline we provide, which is designed to allow for multiple drafts and feedback from multiple sources — the keys to developing a competitive proposal! Faculty who sign up will be placed in three- or four-person peer groups. Each participant will read and provide feedback on two colleagues’ Project Descriptions using a rubric we have developed based on NSF’s Merit Review principles. The focus will be on clarity, innovation, significance, outcomes, education plan, and broader impacts.
Stay updated by checking our calendar.
We hold virtual infosessions in early April to help you determine whether you’re ready to apply for an NSF CAREER grant and give you the information you need to plan a future proposal. We will provide an overview of the CAREER program, discuss key strategies for success in applying, and answer any questions you have. These sessions are open to anyone interested in the NSF CAREER program, and will be scheduled based on your availability. If you wish to attend an Infosession, please complete this survey by Friday, March 22, 2024.
April-June: Participating faculty will write their proposals and have a complete draft ready in early June.
Early June: Faculty will submit their draft proposals to their peer group members, and each participating faculty will provide feedback on two proposals.
June/July: After revising in response to peer feedback, participants will work with an Office of Strategic Research Development staff member who will provide iterative editing aimed at strengthening the proposal’s argument for funding.
July: Finalize and submit your proposal to NSF.
Though we all wish it weren’t, rejection is part of the proposal process and a likely outcome. If you plan to resubmit, reach out to OSRD! We will work through the reviews with you and help you strategize for resubmission.