Office of Strategic Research Development
Guidance from Grantmakers
Strengthen your proposal writing skills with guidance directly from federal agencies. Visit our Boilerplate, Templates, & Tools page for resources that will help you submit a complete, competitive proposal.
Core Guidance & Policies
- 2023 General Instructions for NIH and Other PHS Agencies
- NIH: Write Application. A thorough guide to preparing your NIH proposal from start to finish.
- New: Guidance on Rigor and Reproducibility
Other NIH Resources
- NIAID: Prepare Your Application. This proposal preparation and writing guide includes sample grant applications. Applicants to NIAID and many other NIH Centers and Institutes will find it a useful resource.
- Center for Scientific Review: For Applicants. Resources that give an inside look at how scientists from across the country review NIH grant applications for scientific and technical merit.
- All About Grants: Podcasts from NIH. A series of podcasts from the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER) provides insights on grant topics for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others. Transcripts of the presentations also are available. New topics continue to be made available.
- NIH Peer Review: “Live” Mock Study Section with Q&A. During this 45-minute video, you’ll get a better idea of how the meeting is conducted, as well as hear a sampling of common questions asked by reviewers and mistakes by applicants.
- NIH Grants Process YouTube Playlist. This Grants Process playlist guides you through the fundamentals of the grant writing and submission process.
- General
- 2024 PAPPG
- NSF Merit Review. Helps you to better understand the NSF merit review process as well as identify resources for additional information (including applicable chapters in the GPG).
- Program Suitability & Proposal Concept Tool (ProSPCT) Determine the suitability of a project idea prior to submission of a proposal.
- Broader Impacts