Postdoctoral Affairs

The Postdoctoral Experience at UGA
At UGA, the postdoctoral experience emphasizes scholarship and continued research training for individuals who have recently completed a doctoral degree. Postdoctoral scholars conduct research with a faculty mentor and contribute to the academic community by enhancing the research and education programs of the university. Appointment as a postdoctoral scholar with both research and official teaching responsibilities includes a set of duties in formal instruction as Instructor of Record.
Postdoctoral scholars bring expertise and creativity that enrich the research environment of the entire university community. UGA strives to provide a stimulating, positive, and constructive experience by emphasizing the mutual commitment and responsibility of the institution, the faculty, and the postdoctoral scholar.
The UGA Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs responsibilities include:
- Review and approval of all postdoctoral scholar appointments at UGA.
- Development of policies and procedures affecting postdoctoral scholars.
- Collaboration with the University of Georgia Postdoctoral Association (PDA) to provide prospective and current postdoctoral scholars with information and resources that will enhance the postdoctoral experience at UGA via the Postdoc Portal.
Resources for UGA Postdocs and Hiring Units
Prospective and current postdoctoral scholars can visit the Postdoc Portal to find information and resources that will enhance the postdoctoral experience at UGA.
See the Documents & Resources section below for policies, guidelines, forms and other resources for units and postdocs.
Documents & Resources
PDFs function best when downloaded to your computer and opened with Adobe Acrobat.
- Postdoctoral Hiring Proposal Cover Form
- Request for Salary Action for Postdoc Research Associates
- Postdoc Offer Letter Template-Open Term
- Postdoc Offer Letter Template-Defined Term
- Postdoc Research and Teaching Offer Letter Template-Defined Term
- Postdoc Research and Teaching Offer Letter Template-Open Term
- Template offer letter for Postdoctoral Research Fellows
- Template offer letter for Postdoctoral Research Fellows-StipendNotThruUGA
- Educational and Professional Leave Request for Postdocs Form
- CONTINUATION Postdoctoral Offer Template
- UPDATE – April 2024. The SEC has informed SEC institutions that the SEC Emerging Scholars Program has been put on hold indefinitely. Therefore, the Office of Postdoc Affairs will not be able to move forward with reviewing applications for this program. OPA does not currently have any details regarding the reason for the pause or information about the future of the program. We will share any additional information we receive once an official announcement has been released by the SEC. March 12, 2024 – The Southeastern Conference (SEC) Emerging Scholars Program – FY25 UGA competition announcement was sent. Deadline for applications: May 1, 2024.
- March 17, 2023 – The Southeastern Conference (SEC) Emerging Scholars Program – FY24 UGA competition announcement was sent. Deadline for applications: May 1, 2023.
- February 10, 2023, 11:00 am – Research Matters Live Event – Supporting Research Personnel: Policies, Programs and Resources for Postdocs, Visiting Scholars and Research Scientists. Information and registration here (under “Upcoming Sessions”). Research Personnel Listserv Post advertising the session.
- April 13, 2022 – Research Personnel Listserv Post. Policy revisions for postdoctoral appointments.
- Previous Research Matters Live Event – Postdoc Appointments: Beginning, Middle and End. Presented February 16, 2021. Representatives from OPA and Central HR review and provide updates on policies related to postdoc appointments, salary, benefits, promotion, separation/termination and transition to fellowships. Session targeted primarily to faculty advisors and administrative staff who support postdoctoral research appointments.
Postdoctoral Scholar Travel Program
Contact for questions about the program: Contact for questions regarding Travel Authorities, reimbursements, expense reports, etc.: Your unit’s Business Office and/or the link referenced below.
Description and Eligibility
- This program provides support for domestic and foreign travel for two purposes: 1) to present active research at national and international conferences as an oral presentation and 2) participation in professional development events, such as formal workshops or training sessions.
- Award Amounts: Up to $1,500 for domestic travel and up to $2,000 for foreign travel will be provided to those awarded.
- 1:1 Matching funds must be identified.
- The matching funds may be from the postdoc’s research mentor/supervisor, unit, college or another travel award or independent grant.
- Eligibility:
- Persons at the University of Georgia officially seated in a Postdoctoral Associate AD, Postdoctoral Associate AC or Postdoctoral Fellow position;
- Who have been officially accepted to present research as an oral presentation at a conference and/or have registered for a professional training event. Only one award per year per postdoctoral scholar allowed. This criteria is based on when the travel occurs. Also, only one application per conference per research mentor will be considered.
- Deadlines: 6 deadlines/fiscal year. Second Tuesdays in January, March, May, July, September and November
Application Process and Application Materials
- Applications are submitted via UGA’s InfoReady site.
- Complete the Postdoctoral Scholar Travel Program application for the active deadline. The following details are required for submission:
- Name, unit and email address
- Title of meeting/conference/workshop
- Link to conference/meeting/workshop webpage
- City and Country of meeting/event
- Dates of meeting/conference/event
- Scope of the meeting/conference – International, National or Regional. (Note: “International” applies only if the conference or meeting is hosted by an international society and/or if the meeting is being held outside the U.S.)
- Overall trip budget estimate
- Amount requested from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
- Source of 1:1 matching funds
- Contact for matching funds
- Research mentor/supervisor information (name and email)
- Unit’s Business Manager contact information (name and email)
- Departmental ID from the UGA Financial System. (Please contact your unit’s business manager to obtain this ID and to notify him/her of your potential travel and this application.)
- Role in the meeting/conference/event
- What was the process by which applicant was invited or the application to attend was accepted (i.e., peer review, auto-acceptance, etc.) For professional training events, enter “Registration”.
- Nature and Quality of meeting/conference/event
- Significance of the applicant’s participation. Please describe how your role in the conference/meeting/event will benefit your career development and the University of Georgia.
- UPLOAD – Support letter from research mentor/supervisor. The support letter must include the following:
- Verification of applicant’s role and nature of presentation (e.g., podium presentation, poster, etc.) in the meeting/conference/event and the selection/invitation process.
- Verification of the matching funds listed in the application.
- Description of the significance of the applicant’s participation in the conference or professional development event to the applicant’s career development and to UGA.
- Description of the scope/quality of the conference or professional training event (international, national or regional meeting, significance of the conference to the discipline, etc.).
- UPLOAD – Documentation of Participation. For presenting at a conference/meeting: a copy of invitation (for invited speakers) or acceptance of your abstract/presentation. For a professional training event: copy of your registration.
- The documentation needs to be translated into English if applicable.
- Please do not apply to the Postdoc Travel Program if you have not yet been accepted to present at a conference/meeting or registered for a professional training event.
- UPLOAD – Curriculum Vitae. Most up-to-date version of CV.
- UPLOAD – For presenting at a conference – Abstract of research being presented. Abstract of research being presented (or other description of the presentation in the case of a performance). For professional development event – Program/workshop description or training/class syllabus or schedule.
- UPLOAD – Itemized travel budget estimate.
Evaluation and Selection Process
- Eligible conferences are formal events where researchers/scholars present results or give performances.
- Professional development events are those where the main goal of participation is to learn new skills and/or further development skills to helps you grow and succeed in your career path. These can include formal workshops and training programs. Attending conferences as a non-presenting general participant does not qualify as a professional development event.
- Requests will be evaluated competitively, with priorities based on (a) the scope of the meeting and (b) the scope of the individual’s participation. For example, international conferences and invited in-session oral presentations will be given priority.
- It is important to communicate the merit of your participation to the reviewers.
Award Procedures and Conditions – I have been awarded. Now what do I do?
- Claiming funds: The award amount will be transferred to your unit. The funds will be Indirect Cost Return (F15000) funds and will be budgeted to the financial Department ID provided in your application. You may work with your business office to seek reimbursement for your travel expenses up to the award amount.
- Any unused award funds should be returned to the Office of Research.
- For UGA Travel Policies and Procedures, please refer to the Finance and Administration Policy and Procedure Library: Questions regarding the transfer of budget may be directed to
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I miss the deadline? You will be able to submit in the next cycle by the posted deadline once the next cycle’s InfoReady competition form opens.
If I am awarded, what is the process for using the funds for my travel? See the “Award Procedures and Conditions” section of the guidelines. Your award communication will also contain instructions and guidance.
I have already submitted a Travel Authority for this trip on a different Chart String than the one in my award letter. May I use the existing Travel Authority or must I submit a new one? You may use an existing Travel Authority as long as it is the same trip. There is no need for a new one.
I have already received reimbursement from another source. How may I utilize this award? Contact your unit’s Business Manager about procedures in this instance.
Why was I not funded? The Postdoc Travel Program is a competitive program with limited funds. Applications are reviewed on the caliber of the meeting and the significance of the individual’s participation. Because of the limited funds we are only able to fund a limited number based on the priority scores.