Research Integrity & Safety Support Services
Human Subjects Training
The University of Georgia is committed to the ethical principles for the protection of human subjects in research as set forth in the Belmont Report including Respect for Persons, Beneficence and Justice.
In order to meet these regulatory and moral obligations, all investigators and personnel involved in Human Subjects research must complete mandatory training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) will not accept any protocol or request to conduct research until this training has been completed. In addition, the Principal Investigator will not be able to submit a new application, continuing review or addition of new research personnel until all team members have satisfied this training requirement
Mandatory Training Course provided by CITI
Choose which course best fits your research. Both are equivalent:
- Human Subject Biomedical Research
- Human Subjects Social and Behavioral Research
Upon entering UGA’s Professional Education Portal(PEP), search for the appropriate CITI course using the search bar located in the upper right of the screen
CITI also provides additional modules on certain vulnerable populations. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) would encourage researchers working with these groups to take these additional modules. In some cases, the IRB may require these modules for approval of an IRB Protocol.
Additional Live Training available upon request:
- IRB eResearch Portal Tips and Tricks (Human Subjects Protocol Software)
- Practice or Research: Defining What is Research and What’s Not
- Data and Biological Samples—Is it Human Subjects Research?
- Crafting Consents—How to create acceptable consent documents
- Protecting Vulnerable Populations
- Beyond the Acronyms: HIPAA and FERPA law
- Responsible Recruiting
- Classroom Conundrums—IRB challenges in educational research
- Other topics upon request
For issues related to PEP access or navigation, please contact the PEP Helpdesk at
For additional information or to request a training session, please contact Research Integrity and Safety Support Services at For technical problems with the CITI site or course, contact the CITI Office at or 888-529-5929.