Export Control
International Travel Guidelines
Before you travel
Register the travel with the Office of Global Engagement and visit travel.state.gov to obtain information about the safety and security of the country you are visiting.
Comply with export control regulations
Certain information, technology, software, and equipment may be subject to U.S. export control regulations. You must also ensure that information on your laptop, or otherwise taken or transferred abroad, does not contain any of the following:
- Items or information subject to a Technology Control Plan
- Items or information related to a grant/contract/project that contains restrictions on use or access by Foreign Nationals
- Items or information related to a grant/contract/project that contains restrictions on publication or disclosure of results or project information, to the public or unapproved parties
- Information that is not public knowledge, such as Proprietary Information, or information subject to a Non-Disclosure or Confidentiality Agreement
You may request an Office of Export Control review of items or information that you intend to take abroad.
If available, use a loaner device
Only load data and information that is required during travel and set-up password controls. Do not take sensitive or restricted information with you as you travel. Data cannot be lost, stolen, or searched if it is never on the device.
If using a personal or non-loaner device:
- Back up your data.
- Remove all information not required for travel. Do not travel with confidential, sensitive/restricted or controlled data.
- Update antivirus, software, and OS security patches.
- Set up password protection/encryption on your devices and require a password to start/unlock the device.
- Do not use fingerprint/face scanning to unlock your device.
- Do not allow services or applications to store your passwords. Remove this option for your current systems, including email and Wi-Fi and delete any stored passwords on the device.
- Turn off file-sharing and print-sharing.
- Turn off Bluetooth, cellular services and Wi-Fi any time you are not using them.
While traveling
Protect your Data and Equipment
Do not use public devices.
Keep your equipment in your possession or stored securely at all times.
Avoid visiting financial websites and other sites that contain confidential or important information.
Avoid Public Wi-Fi if possible
While on public Wi-Fi, your device is vulnerable. You should always use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when possible to encrypt your data and protect against theft. EITS offers the Cisco AnyConnect client for VPN access to UGA services. If you must connect to non-UGA sites, consider a trusted 3rd party VPN to protect that information. You can also use the EITS Proxy Server for comprehensive protection against web-based threats.
Utilize Travel Service Email Accounts
Consider requesting a temporary email account to use while traveling and your emails will be forwarded to the temporary account for the duration of the trip. This account helps protect your information and UGA’s systems because you will not directly be accessing UGA with your MyID and password. At the end of your travels, the temporary email account will be deleted. To request a temporary email account, contact a member of your department’s technology support team.
When you return
Change any passwords you may have used during your travels
When you return from your trip, use a different device to change any passwords you may have used during your travels. Changing a potentially compromised password helps prevent future attacks on that account.
Consider sanitizing your devices
If possible, do not connect your travel devices to any network at home or work. From the backup you made before your trip, reinstall the Operating System on any devices you carried on your trip. Otherwise, request that an IT person analyze your device for malware or unauthorized access. Contact a member of your department’s technology support team for assistance.
Return loaner devices to your departmental IT person