University of Georgia Research Institute

Energy and Environment

UGARI facilitates the growth of a productive joint research, education and outreach ecosystem contributing to the missions of UGA, the Battelle Savannah River Alliance (BSRA), Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), the 16 other Department of Energy National Laboratories, and the Department of Energy (DOE).  UGARI provides administrative support for faculty participating in research related to Energy and Environment, including:

  • maintaining a UGARI listserv that distributes timely information to faculty about DOE research and educational opportunities (if want to be added to this list, please contact
  • identifying national laboratory researchers to collaborate with;
  • accessing resources, such as state-of-the-art User Facilities, which include advanced supercomputers, particle accelerators, large x-ray light sources, neutron scattering sources, specialized facilities for nanoscience and genomics;
  • allocation of committed funding for graduate, undergraduate or postdoctoral personnel; and
  • coordination of available graduate student housing near the Savannah River Site.

We offer opportunities for faculty to assist in building strong, long-term collaborative relationships with partners through our Research Collaboration Assistance Program (ReCAP)