Office of Strategic Research Development

Large Proposal Project Management

We offer full-service project management of your large grant or contract proposal, from setting up initial planning meetings to writing the narrative and developing the budget. Experience has proven that having several months’ lead time maximizes the value of these services, so prospective PIs should contact us as soon as possible. We request a lead time of 4-6 months. A typical large, complex proposal has a budget of at least $2 million and three or more investigators.

Strategic Research Development takes a team approach to project management. One Strategic Research Development Officer will serve as your main point of contact and take the lead in coordinating your proposal, with the rest of our team pitching in to perform specific functions as needed.

We offer the following menu of services for large, complex proposals:

Planning Your Proposal

  • Scheduling and hosting meetings
  • Organizing and advising the PI team
  • Facilitating collaborations inside and outside of UGA
  • Coordination of all proposal components managed by Strategic Research Development point of contact
  • Subcontractor coordination – checklists, timelines, point of contact
  • Coordination with your SPA Grants Administrator or DLSA
  • For resubmissions: development of a systematic resubmission plan

Writing Your Proposal

  • Drafting an outline for your project description based on the solicitation, and outlines for other complex pieces if applicable
  • Assisting with writing portions of the proposal as requested
  • Editing the proposal for concision, clarity, and impact
  • Helping to communicate the significance and innovation of your work
  • Full budget development
  • Graphic design support
  • Connecting you with broader impacts and program evaluation resources