Integrative Team Initiatives

Leading Large Integrative Research Teams (L2-IRT) Workshop Series | 2022-2023

Overview of Workshop Series | 2022-2023

Each cohort member identifies a key major project goal that would move them toward achieving the vision for their research program. Through interactive presentations, discussion, and sharing of experiences and best practices, the progression of workshops provides participants with actionable input to help build, strengthen, and integrate their unique plans for achieving their goals. The nine monthly workshop discussions are framed around the enabling conditions for effective team leadership: Purpose, Provisions, People, Passion, and Procedures.

  1. August/Early September: Connecting [Larry & Dorothy lead)
    • Introductions, share values driving your efforts, workshop series objectives & approach.
    • Discuss the promise vs. the peril of teams/multiteam systems, introduce the facilitating conditions necessary for team and multiteam system effectiveness.
    • Deep dive into the facilitating conditions for team and multiteam effectiveness
    • Understand how to leverage individuals’ capabilities and competencies (including yours), and how to attract, retain and motivate your team.
  3. October: PURPOSE & PROVISIONS – Sharing your vision and key goal. [Cohort 3 presentations]
    • Cohort members share their targeted goal and targeted funding source (if applicable).
  4. November: PROCEDURES – Best practices for multiteam effectiveness [Dorothy lead]
    • Deep dive into best practices for establishing and supporting multiteam system functioning
    • Members are given a multiteam charter template and an organizational structure example from which to develop their own.
  5. December: Living it – Research team leader panel.
    • See what others have done and be in a position to question and learn re the first three enabling conditions. 
    • Panel discussion and Q&A with faculty who are leading large teams.
  6. January: PROCEDURES – Organizing to achieve shared goals. [Cohort 3 presentations]
    • Members present first cuts of their team charter and organizational structure. The goal of this presentation is to create the start of a living document that can be refined as members hear from experts in the next three workshops to further shape it.
  7. February: PEOPLE & PROVISIONS – Experts in Industry and Government partnering will interactively share best practices.
    • The role of external partners in your team, understanding your partner’s view of your team’s value, building true relationships. 
  8. March: PEOPLE, PASSION, & PROCEDURES – Karen Burg will share her extensive experience to help you build your culture of inclusion, equity, and diversity.
    • Understand what purposeful, systemic DEI integration looks like and the means to achieve it.
  9. April: PEOPLE, PASSION, & PROCEDURES – Meredith Welch Devine from the Graduate School will share her experience and network to help you build your education and workforce impact.
    • Have means to develop a broad range of partnerships, leverage existing and create new opportunities to broaden participation.

Co-Creators and Guest Contributors | 2022-2023

Co-Creators: Dorothy Carter and Joshua Pearman, LINC Lab; Larry Hornak and Virginia Bacon Talati, OVPR, Meredith Welch-Devine,  Graduate School.

Guest Contributors: Crystal Leach, UGA; Martin Bink, UGA; Karen Burg, UGA;  Meredith Welch-Devine, UGA Graduate School; Brian Bledsoe, IRIS; Mandy Joye, UGA; S. Mark Tompkins, UGA; Justin Bahl, UGA.