Human Research Protection Program

Research Participants

Research Participants

Welcome!  If you are considering participating in a research study that is being conducted or supported by the University of Georgia, the information on this page aims to help you understand your rights and help you decide if you should take part in the research study.  If you agree to volunteer in research, you may find that volunteers in research are sometimes referred to as research participants, volunteers, human subjects, or research subjects.
Remember that participation in a research study is completely voluntary — you can choose not to participate or, if you do decide to participate, you can choose to stop participating at any time. Please review this information and discuss it with other people you trust.
The University of Georgia Human Research Protection Program is committed to the protection of the rights and welfare of volunteers who participate in research studies that are conducted or supported by the University.  One way to further this mission is to provide the public and research participants with basic information about research and research participation, so potential volunteers can make informed decisions about participating in research.  These materials may be also used by researchers to facilitate and improve the informed consent process.
Please check out the links below to brochures, list of questions to ask researchers, informational videos, and additional resources related to research participation.

Learn about research projects conducted by UGA and impacting your community:

Center for Family Research

Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education

Center for Autism and Behavioral Education Research

College of Education

College of Public Health