Conflicts of Interest

Other Relevant University Policy

Employment of Relatives Policy

Board of Regents Policy 8.2.3- Employment of Relatives Policy. The basic criteria for the appointment and promotion of UGA employees shall be appropriate qualifications and performance as set forth in the policies of the Board of Regents.  Relationship by a family member or marriage shall constitute neither an advantage nor a disadvantage.

This Policy applies to research collaborations where there is a familial relationship between an Employee, e.g., Senior/Key Personnel, co-PI, researcher, etc., and the PI or co-PI, even if the related individuals do not otherwise fall within the same line of authority outside of the proposed project.  PIs are responsible for the overall administration and oversight of a sponsored project, including financial transactions, even if the relative is not otherwise in the PI’s typical line of authority.

To ensure transparency and preserve the public trust in the research conducted at the University, a management plan may be required.  The basic requirements of the plan are confirmation that 1- the PI’s family member has the necessary qualifications, knowledge, skills, and abilities to be included as project personnel and 2- the proposed effort and budget for the PI’s family member is equivalent to that for other, similarly situated individuals.  The management plan requires the academic unit to ensure that the PI does not control the relative’s scheduling, timekeeping or other payroll functions, or any expenditures of project funds on the relative, such as purchases and travel.  See Sample Management Plan.

Please understand that the implementation of a management plan in these scenarios is neither an implication of “bad behavior” on the part of the family members nor meant to discourage familial collaborative research.


Tamara Freeman, Interim Associate Vice President, Human Resources,, 706-542-2222

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Office of the Provost,, 706-542-0547

Gene Pope, Director, Conflicts of Interest, Office of Research,, 706-542-3821

Prohibition on Transacting Business with the State

Companies in which an employee has a substantial interest may not do business with UGA. Under Georgia state law, substantial interest “means the direct or indirect ownership of more than 25 percent of the assets or stock of any business.” An employee’s company is prohibited from subcontracting from UGA or consulting for UGA (i.e., selling services to UGA). In addition, the company cannot sell or lease personal or real property to UGA or purchase surplus, real or personal property from UGA.

Employee Guidance Contact
Office of Legal Affairs, 706-542-0006