Presidential Interdisciplinary Seed Grants2021 Projects 2021 Projects An Interdisciplinary School-Based Health CenterBloom and doom: Is increasing risk of harmful algal blooms an inevitable consequence of global change?Developing new storm design criteria for natural hazards planning research and practiceDeveloping UGA’s Cognitive Aging Research and Education (CARE) CenterEvaluating the agrivoltaic potential of emerging perovskite-based solar cells for greenhouse applicationsFrom AI Ethics to AI Aesthetics: Artificial Intelligence and Aesthetic HarmGeorgia Aflatoxin Research and Mitigation Center of ExcellenceIntegrated approaches to address current and future high consequence biological agentsMolecular Level Biodosimetry for National SecurityNanotechnology and Machine Learning Based Rapid Infectious Disease DiagnosticsThe THRIVE Project: Development of a doula communication intervention