Shana Jones
Team Impact Award 2022
Shana Jones, public service faculty at the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, is an attorney experienced in developing legal and policy guidance involving environmental and coastal issues. She partners with the Marine Extension-Georgia Sea Grant on coastal flooding issues, adaptation planning and hazard mitigation, managing the Georgia Sea Grant Law Program. She has been key to developing the team’s relationship with a regional land conservation initiative led by the U.S. Department of Defense, setting the stage for eventual funding of a DoD-Sea Grant Liaison at UGA. Her relationship-building efforts have also informed the team’s development of an NSF coastlines and people proposal to develop a resilience hub using the military-community interface as study areas. She is a faculty member for a recently funded Research and Development Cooperative Agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers and she served as the community connection with Athens for an AT&T Resilience grant.