Walter Hellerstein

Walter HellersteinDistinguished Research Professor 2011

Walter Hellerstein, professor of law, is regarded by many as our nation’s foremost authority on state and local tax law. His work is so well-respected that it influences both the setting of policy, nationally and internationally, and the thinking of other scholars. Over his 34-year career, he has published 132 articles in law reviews and journals as well as six books. This includes the leading two-volume treatise, State Taxation, regarded by many as the field’s “bible,” andState and Local Taxation, the leading casebook on this subject.

His research and writings have been cited in more than 20 separate U.S. Supreme Court decisions on state taxation, which represent a substantial portion of all state tax cases heard by the Court during his career. He has been actively involved in U.S. Supreme Court litigation and twice argued and won high-profile state tax cases before the Court. His work has also been cited in more than 300 state and federal appellate court opinions. His scholarship underpins many of the successful arguments made by lawyers before these courts and other administrative bodies over the past 30 years.