Wayne W. Hanna
Inventor’s Award 2003
Wayne W. Hanna, professor of crop and soil sciences, received the Inventor’s Award for solving numerous turfgrass industry problems. During his 32-year career as a plant breeder, he has developed winter-hardy, pest-resistant Bermudagrasses able to handle high traffic. These grasses now grow on golf courses around the world and in football stadiums for the Georgia Bulldogs, Tennessee Titans, Washington Redskins and others. Hanna has spearheaded the screening of Bermudagrass for hybrids that naturally deter mole crickets, the No. 1 lawn and turf pest in the Southeast. He and his research team have been awarded seven patents. Hanna received the 2002 Technology Transfer Award for Outstanding Effort from the USDA’s Agricultural Research Services and the Reed Funk Achievement Award from the National Turfgrass Breeders Association.