Kaushlendra Singh

Robert C. Anderson Memorial Award 2010

Kaushlendra Singh, an assistant professor of wood science and technology at West Virginia University, developed novel technology for fractionating poultry litter to re-use in beneficial ways. Through fractionation, pyrolysis, and pelletization, Singh produced several value-added products from poultry litter. The smaller fraction, which is rich in nutrients, can be pelletized for use in both solid and liquid fertilizers and soil amendments. The larger size can be used as the raw material for bioenergy production. His innovative work, which has already gained the interest of private industry, is likely to lead to new, less-costly storage and transportation solutions—and to new value-added, income-producing products from poultry wastes. Singh has published five research papers, with four more under revision for various academic journals.

Previous Award

Graduate Student Excellence-in-Research Award 2009