Andrew Granville

Andrew GranvilleLamar Dodd Award 2000

Andrew Granville had made important contributions to mathematical research in number theory. He is also known for his ability to communicate complicated mathematics to wider audiences. His research encompasses computer science, harmonic analysis, combinatorics and algebraic geometry, of interest for both theoretical and applicable reasons.

Since ancient times, mathematicians have wanted to tell whether a number is prime; that is, whether the number can be divided only by itself and one. The RSA method of encryption relies on prime numbers to safeguard confidential information transmitted electronically such as Internet credit card purchases. In January 1992, Dr. Granville along with Drs. Carl Pomerance and William “Red” Alford, showed that there are infinitely many “Carmichael numbers”, which are composit numbers that masquerade as primes.

One of his research papers contained a question of such popular interest that a Dallas banker has now offered a $75,000 prize for its solution.

His contributions include the development of a graduate number-theory program at UGA. Among his numerous prestigious awards, is a Presidential Faculty Fellowship from President Clinton, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, the Canadian Number Theory Associations’ inaugural Ribenboim Medal for contributions to research and the Mathematical Association of America’s Merten M. Hasse prize for expository writing.

Previous Award

Creative Research Medal 1994