Research Insights
Electronic Research Systems for Grants and Human Subjects Now Live
The first two modules of UGA’s integrated electronic research administration system, Grants and IRB, went live this summer. The integrated system will simplify and streamline administrative processes, ease the burden these processes place on faculty, and serve the University community better via transparency and better communication.
The first two modules of UGA’s integrated electronic research administration system, Grants and IRB, went live this summer. The integrated system will simplify and streamline administrative processes, ease the burden these processes place on faculty, and serve the University community better via transparency and better communication.
The new eResearch Grants and Awards Portal (“Grants portal”) went live on June 11. As of this date, users must login to this new system with MyID to submit proposals of all types to Sponsored Programs. This new portal will also handle all electronic submissions to federal sponsors. Weekly training sessions are offered. Find out more.
The new eResearch Portal for Institutional Research Board (“IRB portal”) went live on May 30. UGA researchers users must login to this new system with MyID to submit new Human Subjects proposals, amendments and continuing reviews. Training is available online. Find out more.