Dorothy R. Carter

Charles B. Knapp Early Career Scholar Award 2020

Dorothy Carter portrait

Dorothy R. Carter, assistant professor of industrial-organizational psychology, conducts research that helps organizations rethink the management of complex human systems comprised of multiple teams. Multi-team systems are deployed to tackle high-risk/high-reward challenges in contexts such as the military, medicine, disaster response, and space exploration. Carter’s work aims to answer fundamental questions about the drivers of team and multi-team system effectiveness. In her work with NASA, she is identifying processes and interventions to support multi-team collaboration throughout long-duration missions to Mars. Through her NSF-funded research, she and her collaborators are surveying and providing feedback to senior-level executives about the teamwork processes needed to ensure strategic effectiveness. Carter also works with the U.S. Army to enhance military team staffing decisions, and she studies team- and institution-level interventions to support interdisciplinary science teams. Her research has already made an impact across a range of disciplines, including psychology, management, communications, and medicine.